Epic MIUI 9 versi 7.12.8 hasil porting dari ROM Mi Max versi Global Developer Beta. Include bahasa Indonesia seperti rom global lainnya juga support Face Unlock.
What's working:
- Boots
- RIL (Calls, SMS, Data)
- FPC fingerprint (Not goodix)
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- Camera with all features
- Video Playback
- Audio
- Sensors
- Flash
- LED, thanks to agni kernel and/or Xceed kernel.
- Read Mode
- Silent Mode
- Faceunlock
- Ported form MI MAX device
- Bug fixed at the most possible
- ROM extracted, patched, modded and cooked it using e-kitchen by JamFlux
- Debloated
- Advanced Power Menu
- Dolby Atmos
- Most complete custom kernel for MIUI N (agni kernel v11.6)
- MIUI package installer
- VoLTE working
- Build.prop tweaks for performance
- Fixed notifications issue for all apps
- All global miui features
- Launcher's grid options
- Theme store patched
- Autobrightness fixed
- Global file explorer
- Global video player
- Silent mode fix
- Notification LED blinking
- Vibration drivers added for kenzo's vendors
- Bluetooth fixes
- FPC drivers updated
- Mi Remote and IR drivers updated
- Low vibration settings more low thanks to @psndna88
- Audio increased for speakers
- Read Mode fixed
- New aosp notifications for MIUI
- Face unlock feature fixed
- Multirom icons added
- Volte enabled by default
- Center clock mod with lock screen function (Revert back to original style)
- Enhanced audio
- Fix for Vibration in some devices: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=745849072291694132
- Goodix fingerprint sensor
- Video recording issue after a deep sleep, use third party camera apps like footej, etc.
Fitur Epic ROM:
- Auto persist flashing for fixing possible rotation bug
- Agni kernel special for MIUI N
- VoLTE patch
- Good battery performance
- More free RAM patch
- A great community behind epic ROMs
- Face unlock
Instruksi Pemasangan:
- Reboot ke official TWRP recovery
- Wipe System, Data, Cache.
- Flash ROM (Membutuhkan waktu 45 detik untuk flash, dan 3 menit untuk booting)
- Flash AGNi_pureMIUI-N_v10.4 atau versi diatasnya (Tidak diharuskan)
- Reboot
Informasi versi:
ROM OS Version: MIUI 9 running android 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.108
Status: Semi-stable - final
Source: XDA
Write commentsSetelah install kok tidak ada Dolby ya?
ReplyKali lupa JamFlux nya... :>) Pasang dolby manual aja, extract dolby.zip dari romnya, pasang dolby.zip via twrp
Replyberes flash dua duanya kok 4G nya ga muncul ya?
ReplyEdit build.prop aja, ubah ro.product.device=kenzo menjadi ro.product.device=kate
ReplyUntuk kate bisa ga om?
ReplyGk bisa, kalo mau coba flash rom trus firmware khusus kate.
Replylebih optimal mana ya min, os ini(+agni kernel) atau nos8.1 ?
Replysy cari yg minim bug & optimal performance. thanks sebelumnya
Menurut ane pribadi pakai stock rom untuk minim bug, atau pakai NOS8.1.
ReplyKok Ndak di root sekalian
ReplyRootnya manual, pake SuperSU atau Magisk
Replygan,ada stok kernel nya epic rom ga?,rom ini pake agni ga cocok,pengalaman saya pake cusrom 8.1 pake shadow kernel pas bgt tuh....battre irit,underclock performa msh bagus,ama hh ga panas
ReplyInstall lagi rom nya, ntar otomatis balik ke stock kernel bawaan epic
Replyface unlocknya kok gaada
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